Bring back the scroll bar in the editor

If you have large/long posts the missing scroll bar (or full height editor) means you have to scroll a bloody long way to get to the item after the editor window, this article shows how to enable the scroll bar again.

I found it really annoying as some of the websites I look after (for example Online Sales Training) have rather large posts for each lesson as you can imagine. Also a lot of meta boxes are required for the proper functionality of those courses/lessons/exercises, those boxes are located after the editor – a long way to scroll!

Steps to enable the scroll bar

Simply login to the dashboard of your website, click on “Posts” and “Add New”.
The “Add a New Post” will show up, also the “Screen Options” in the top right corner.

Clicking on it “Screen options” will push down the editor and reveal the following:


De-select the “Enable full-height editor and distraction-free functionality” and you will have the scroll bar again and a much shorter distance to scroll.

I find it a little amusing to write “distraction free functionality” as it was not without distraction for me having it enabled.


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