Scratched Hard Drive Platters

I have been a System Administrator for a long time, but I have never seen harddrive platters in a state like this before – especially under a year old and Seagate enterprise grade drives.

I walked out late on Friday night walking pass a screeching noise coming from one of my servers, it sounded like a hardrive. However, I knew the server’s hardrive architecture is RAID based I could not be bothered to fix it – until Saturday morning.

I could read my email until 9am, at 10am I could not. My Nagios (IT Infrastructure Monitoring) was going frantic, spewing out messages left, right and center, when I got to work the monitoring logs were full of crap.

This is high-end good hardware (intel, adaptec, seagate, hp, thermaltake etc) but I am still not sure what made the raid system stop – looking at the state of the platters something went horribly wrong, even interfering with the Adaptec controller.

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